Survey Results
You Responded. We Listened.
Thanks to the feedback received from the product survey late last year, Calm Point continues to evolve and improve.
Here are some of the most influential takeways:
Over 82% of you expressed you were satisfied to very satisfied with your calm point experience
QUESTION: What do you like most about the new product Calm Point?
- Easy to use
- It works
- Sleek Design
- Reminds me to breathe
- Unique concept
- Calm Point is available when Kacey isn’t!
QUESTION: What changes would you suggest to most improve Calm Point?
The most common response was “Tighter fit.” In response to this suggestion, the design has improved by becoming sleeker with a longer bead.
Calm Point is now easier to apply and stays securely connected to the Shen Men point on your right ear.
QUESTION: If you are not likely to use Calm Point, why not?
Most of you did not give a reason not to use Calm Point, but for those that did answer “Lost too Easily” was the most common response. In response to this feedback, we are developing Calm Keepers so your Calm Point can always be with you when you need it. Stay tuned…
When asked to describe how Calm Point worked for you, these were the top responses:
- Alleviated stress
- Improved focus
- Helped to curb “Road Rage”
- Inspired Creativity
You said Calm Point was most frequently applied and used:
- During a time of higher than normal stress
- While working
- At night time while unwinding from the day
- When needed to tap into the creative part of the brain
- During meditation
- After a stressful situation
Thank you to all who contributed valuable responses.
If you have anything else you want to tell us, please don’t hesitate to reach out:
Also we are in the process of doing another survey to get a better understanding of you as our best customer and user and how we can reach out to you so we can awe and delight you! If you are interested in taking it, click here!